An expression of our awareness of and response to God's presence, love, goodness and saving power.
Prayer is a loving, honest conversation with God.
Ways of praying include personal prayer, internal, not shared or communal prayer is shared with others. Spontaneous praye is when we speak from the heart
In order to grow in our relationship with God, it is important to set aside time each day for prayer.
Adoration, an attitude of humility and awe before the wonder and greatness of God...Praise gives glory to God joyfully, just because God is God!
Thanksgiving, an expression of gratitude for the generosity and graciousness of God.
Contrition is an expression of sorrow for the sinful, hurtful and selfish acts we have committed.
Petition is asking for help and support of God for myself and Intersession is asking for God's help on behalf of another
All prayer involves our heart and mind. The whole person prays. If prayer is not an expression of the heart, its words and gestures are meaningless.
Devotional prayer helps us to personalize the mysteries of the faith...adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Stations of the Cross, the Rosary, novenas, pilgrimages, veneration of relics.
Liturgy is the official prayer of the people of God, the Church...public worship in the sacraments, the Mass and Liturgy of the Hours,